Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reflection Paper - Deped Program for Dropped out

Leonardo Z. Camboja Jr.                                                                     Ed-123B Facilitating Learning
BEE-2                                                                                                   Olga Alonsabe, Ph.D.
July 2, 2012                                                                                         MWF – 6:30 – 7:30 pm

Reflection Paper No. 3 Deped Programs

          Our discussion is all about education programs of the government under the Department of Education. The Bureau of Secondary Education introduced its plan to offer OSHP or Open High School Programs for those interested individuals who wants to finish high school by this program. These programs are catered by all walks in life, race, gender, culture and disability. The aimed of this program is education for all which means that no dropped out in every school throughout the country until year 2015.
 I realized that of Dr. Alonsabe said regarding the education programs for the dropped out students in high school. She opens up this to us because in the future we are part of it as a future educator. We can help these students who stop for many reasons because of poverty, child labor, peace and order situation and the like. This program is reachable with help of stake holders and supports also by the NGO, private individuals and the Church.   Our role here is to encourage and convince those who want to finish high school out of his program
          After the presentation of new education programs, we discuss the teacher and student relation on how the teaching strategy impart to the learners. What are methods uses of the teacher? First, ideas and technique presented, 2nd is motivation, how the student move by their learning and having creative enough of their works and activities and appreciation in a positive ways. I want to focus on this field especially the child developmental theories.

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