Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ed-137 Values Education Reflection

My Reflection (Values Education)
What is values education?

When I make my reflection, I meditate first all those comments about my personality traits. I was destructed of being an authoritative person and strong person or a Charisma of being a good leader. But I agree with these comments because that’s who I am. I don’t know where I possess this trait. I am not proud of this kind of behavior but I have control my temperance of dealing other people. Being a strong personality in terms of decision making I have courage to solve that certain problem or situations with proper weighing and consultation. I acquired these traits maybe I engaged early in business world, my active participation in the pastoral community where I hold positions. Maybe one of the factors of being who am I today. Involving pastoral community needs strong inter-relations towards your members and all the rest of the community. I always utter in my mind to be respected at all times by having parallel my words and actions in all my dealings. I always reminded myself of being good to others whatever means and positions I have in the future because that would lead me into better one. I prefer being a donor and not a donee because generosity transform into individual habits. 

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